Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Simple Question

I recently ... and by I mean this morning ... and by this morning I mean a half hour ago, I had the need to stop a a gasoline station. One of those places that you have to either stop at the bank prior to attempt to utilize or you have to go online to check available funds / credit with your bank or credit card company. Well, I did, fortunately since I was on the yellow warning light stage of fuel availability, have enough funds to fill up my car with deluxe gasoline. The gasoline was flown in on a private jet or at least that was the price value of the purchase.

But, that almost has nothing to do with my question.

I also was in need of utilizing the rest room facilities at this particular establishment. In the rest room facilities was a familiar sign. No, you pervert it was not the one stating that for the small amount of $1.00 you could purchase a nicely lubricated item to help insure that you would not either transmit or be infected by a sexual disease and in addition provide extra special pleasure to your partner while experiencing an additional wonderful sensation.

No, the sign said "employees must wash their hands after making use of the rest room facilities. Why only employees? Are they in some way special? Is there cleanliness more important than mine? Or, why must they wash but I can opt out of this task? Why couldn't the sign say something like "it is important for each individual to wash after touching themselves and for employees it would be also nice particularly if you want to receive your next paycheck".

And one other thought on this important issue, who checks that they, the employees did in fact wash? Is there a "wash monitor"? Is there a camera recording the actions in the rest room? There did not seem to be anyone attempting to shake my hand when I came out to see if it was still damp. Does someone run over to check for damp hands when an employee uses the room?

Is big brother / sister watching? That is my question.

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