Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving Forward

We have made through the maze of days off, excess amount of food, and a chance to distance ourselves from the rest of the world ... at least for a brief period of time. But we are back.

These last couple of days have left me with some important thoughts which I figured I would at least jot down for posterity.

First major thought: A couple of weeks I began floating an idea to see what kind of support I could get for a significant financial move. I still believe that it could have been very successful but alas I could not raise the needed capital ... there is a credit crunch. I was considering buying Iceland. Yes, Iceland. It is experiencing the worst financial crisis what with the bank debt amounting to several hundred times the national GDP. A higher debt per citizen than any country in the world. I figured that with $5 Billion I could pull it off. My efforts to raise this sum fell a little short. How short? Well, I only missed it by eight or nine zeros. Maybe next time.

Second major thought: Now this one could have some legs if I can find the right technical people. If you are aware of any potential candidates to help me turn this into a reality, please forward me their names.

You know those moments just before you are fully awake? Your thoughts are brilliant. The ideas for financial, romantic, and or personal success will make your life beyond belief. You see so clearly. Then what happens? The alarm clock goes off and those insights are gone like so much smoke after a blowing out the candle.

The meeting you are forced to sit through. No paper to take notes because it is one of those ..."please listen and concentrate on the message ... hand-outs will be provided later" type presentations. The ideas percolate in your head because of course you can not concentrate on the speaker. Why the speaker might even be a renowned Rabbi giving over the meaning of life but you still must fight to stay awake. There is that awake, half a sleep stage where you mind is free of its normal shackles and you are a genius. If you were to focus you could probably pick the winning lottery numbers, solve the economic crisis or design the next stage computer chip made out of jello but ten thousand times more powerful than the current technology. Speech over ... thoughts float up towards the ceiling.

Well, I have the answer. Your camera has a slot for the memory chip to contain all those pictures for future downloading. You look at something, click a button and it remembers for you. Or the thumb drive, you stick it in the slot in the back and it sucks up all the information you want to pull from someone else's computer.

So, what I would like is a slot in the side of my head for a memory stick. Put the stick in your head before you go to sleep and it records your thoughts and dreams throughout the night. In the morning, you pull the stick, plug it into your computer and speed through those parts that are not interesting checking for any worthwhile thoughts or really good sexual fantasies. The later could be turned into a good movie or just saved for further entertainment. The good ideas could be then worked on and turned into the next iPod, Nextel phone or tella-transporter (that is what Scotty did for Kirk ... he tella-transported him up from the planet ...why he didn't just leave him there, I do not know but that is a another story.)

This memory stick process could be used over Shabbat when you can not write, or in the off chance that you wanted to remember the Rabbi's sermon you missed because you were sleeping. The brain is very powerful and the ears still hear while you sleep. How do we know this? Ever sleep with someone who snores? Funny how you can hear that annoying snore while your sleeping. So, later you pull the memory stick replay the Rabbi's sermon, even print it out, mark your comments and send it back to him so he can improve himself.

Very practical. All I need is someone to figure out how to connect that memory stick to the right parts of the brain, someone to figure out how to put that hole in a person's head and then a programmer to translate those random thoughts to words that will either end up in a Word or iTunes file.

And lastly some group of financial backers.

How hard can it be?

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