Monday, October 6, 2008

A Golden Opportunity

This morning, listening to all the economic problems around the world, I heard an interesting tidbit which got me to thinking ... which is always dangerous.

The credit crunch / recession / housing bubble burster currently ravaging America is also hurting Europe. Seems that the European bankers were have been upset over the last number of years that American bankers and investment houses were making such wonderful money buying up sub prime mortgages. So the European houses also bought up those sub primes. See in Europe "sub prime" translates into "great deal". What the Europeans didn't understand was the there was more to the translation. The complete translation is "good deal for the seller".

Well, Europe's banks and some governments too are in deep dew dew. They went out on a limb and the Housing Bubble Bursting has caused that limb to break.

The "Golden Opportunity"? Well, the news today was that a couple of the smaller countries are on the brink of disaster. Specifically, Belgium and Iceland. Yes, Iceland is part of Europe, just check your Risk Board.

So, I have a call into Warren Buffet to see if he will invest in my new company that is going to buy up Iceland and maybe Belgium too. If he turns me down or just doesn't take my phone call, i will call Secretary Paulson to see if I can participate in the $700 Billion Bail-Out Rescue Plan. I will give the U.S. a minority position in one or both countries. It could be the beginning of a whole new trend in the country take over business. I may even take them public.

The possibilities are endless.

Israel will not have to bomb Iran ... merely initiate a hostile financial take over. Upset with France ... buy them up and then kick them out.

So, as the new owner of Belgium, I am looking for people who are interested in purchasing naming rights or other exclusives. Are you interested in this "Golden Opportunity?"

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