Thursday, January 31, 2008

Florida Embarrasses Itself Again

It is annoying. We have now had the much discussed Florida Primary and Constitutional Property Tax Amendment Voting Day. Yes, I voted in the portion of the vote that I was allowed.

See, in order to help decide a party's nominee, you not only have to be a "member" of the party but you have had to declare for all the world your affiliation with that party 30 days ago. Well, not only was I not aware since I did not get an invitation but 30 days ago, I was not sure which party I wanted to attend. But that is only a minor portion of the annoyance.

There is all this media hoopla over the percentages that candidates or issues won by ... 64% for "property tax reform", 50% for a candidate who will get no delegates because the Republican legislature wanted to embarrass the Democrats who were more than willing to accommodate, 39% for a Republican candidate in a closed members only vote. Guess, the opinion of Independent's would only taint the gene pool. Of course, we want to keep our Parties pure of cross-over voters because then we will not get a candidate that panders to the most idealogical portion of his/her party.

Well, in all the media hype, in all the victory speeches, there was one significant fact ignored. The fact is that only about 25% Florida's eligible voters actually voted. Now, my issue is not with who or what won. Well, I lie. I have strong issue with the outcome but that will have to wait.

The "so-called property tax reform" constitution amendment was approved by 64% of 25% or approximately 16% of the eligible voters. Hardly a mandate for change. The voters and the legislature should hang their heads. There should be no articles about how anyone wanted things changed.

The candidates crowing about victory and the media touting momentum and significant additional victories. Well, if all of the voters voted Democratic, that would amount to 13% in favor of the winner. Alas, at best 50% of those voting voted Democratic. So, that would be 50% of the voters voting times 50% the winning percentage times the 25% actually voting or roughly 6.25% of the eligible voters in favor of that candidate. Hardly an event.

The Republican winner has even less to shout about. He received at best 39% of 50% of 25% or 4.875 of the total eligible voters.

So, please print the following headline: Florida Voters Once Again Embarrass Themselves.

We are given a privilege and 75% of the voters could not make it to the polls. So, when you are complaining about the outcome ... remember, chances are you did not vote. So, you get what the higher percentage of 25% of the voters wanted.

Florida Voters you should be embarrassed.

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