Sunday, December 23, 2007

Expanding The Party

I have been analyzing the current situation and accept the fact that there is a problem. In addition, while going through the analysis, I was able to arrive at a real meaningful solution.

I have been having these discussions with myself. I have even told myself, self there will be no additions to our intimate conversations. There is only so my I can handle. So, self do not invite any other commentators to this get together. Self has grudgingly accepted.

Well, I see the errors of this decision. It is too difficult. I and myself do not provide enough depth for a meaningful conversation. Therefore, self, I am inviting some of the following to join the group. Of course, as an original founding member of the group, the founding member position has a veto. So, this is not some dictatorial degree that must be swallowed.

The parties that are being extended an invitation include: we, you, us and me. There will be occassions when them, they, him and her might need to be brought in for additional expert opinion or testimony.

So, self, I asked ... does this bring a smile to that face I am staring at? Self ... if you thing its right, it will be okay.

So, its official. Now you what would you like to discuss next time? ... mmm ... how about social etiquette?

You might not be ready for prime time, so I will get back to you when I think you might be ready to pose a topic.

Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Charles said...

What do you think of Bhuto's assassination? Was Musharraf involved? Does this upset the balance between Pakistan and India? Or is this more status quo ante et ex post antebellum?