Sunday, June 22, 2008

Look Behind You

Driving down the road at night. Traffic is not too heavy. My eyes move from the front, to the side mirrors ... then up ... they catch the rear view mirror ... oh my G-d ... blinding light ... can't see ... have to move eyes away ... its rude ... its unsafe ... who is that person? Where did they learn to drive? Its unbelievable. They must be crazy? How can someone put themselves smack dab right behind you with their bright lights shining in your face?

Doesn't that driver understand that you do not pull right up on the tail of the car. You can just go around or blink your lights if there is no way to go around so that safe action can be taken to allow the individual in a hurry to go around. Obviously not.

If you want to pass, merely move to the lane either on the right or left and fly by. It is the logical thoughtful thing. Oh, yes the right thing but not the natural thing for the driver behind me. No, that b___tard obviously thinks he/she is better than me ... must think I should just shrink away and run away from him.

Okee dokey, I give in. I take the high road. I move to the right ... the slower lane. As that rude auto passes, I can tell what it is ... a Lexus SUV.

Yes, now it is obvious. The pompous person who needs to drive a Lexus and also has the need to drive a SUV. Now, why does a person living in Florida a flat almost bump less state need a vehicle intended for winter hilly driving? Why is that person driving by themselves in a vehicle that seats seven? Ego, I have to imagine.

So, here is an idea that one of the candidates could embrace. If the U.S. wants to reduce our dependence on foreign oil ... create an EGO tax. Yes, if your personal self worth needs to be reinforced by an oversized vehicle. If deep down you think that you are worthless meaningless entity, you should probably run right out and lease a big SUV preferably a Lexus, unless your a buy American sort , in which case, buy a Chevy Suburban or a Ford Explorer. The bigger your car just translates into "I have to prove I am a wonderful powerful important person". Add to this calculation, the amount of time the driver spends driving alone. I say lease because it is also obvious that if you need a big hunk of metal to make you feel good about yourself then of course you need to have the reinforced every thirty-six months or 45,000 miles whichever comes first. Combine these equations and you have a pompous individual who is embarrassed to be themselves.

So, tax these poor suckers with low self esteem and you can add to their attempt at self worth by giving them something to important to complain about while reducing the national debt. A win-win solution.

Stay tuned the "Ego Tax" is only one of many ways to reduce the deficit.

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