Friday, March 14, 2008


Recently, I was facing a pretty dilemma. It did not take long to realize that I needed more resources to handles this issue. Now, this situation needs to be put into perspective so it is understood before I call in the troops.

See, a pretty dilemma is not the ultimate crisis. Why? Well, see it is simple ... a pretty dilemma is not anywhere near as bad as an ugly dilemma. Call this a prejudiced view point but alas I am merely sorta human and certainly male so pretty wins over ugly. And as I am found of reminding anyone who will listen ... ugly is not a Federally protected class. So, this is not a Federal case.

So, here I am facing this pretty dilemma. It was sort of distracting being pretty and all. I knew that I could very be well be over my head which would not be the first or last time. My's response was how did I get into this mess. But I not to be distracted, so I looked around for assistance. I looked for you but you were not there ... how typical. I went into another room to see if you were there but all I found was myself. So, at the least I was not alone anymore because I had myself but I was not sure if that would be enough. I asked myself if there was anyone else that could be called upon.

The answer was clear and reasonably fast ... there was me and we ... and then of course he would stop by which would force us to want into the group. I asked myself how that conclusion could be so quickly arrived at? Well, it seems that he had already been texted. See "texted" is now a verb. When he showed up to throw support ... I found myself now with him and of course we just came along for the ride. So, it was not long before the group included us too. Now if only you were there.

Well he said that you would be there shortly because you never like to be left out of a party. We are going to have a party? I felt embarrassed because of this miscommunication. It seems that myself included along with him and you thought that was the reason we gathered the group.

So, the pretty dilemma had to be sidelined to make time for the party. I was worried because if the pretty dilemma was not attended to it could become ugly and then no one would be force to deal with it and no one does not do a good job when dealing with any kind of dilemma. But you thought it would be the appropriate thing to invite the pretty to the party cause there can never be enough pretty at a party and you are always partial to pretty.

I was confused and I knew there would be no help with that from myself ... you said that was state of mind also. Join the group.

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